I feel like I could write a novel of thanks to Braden & Noelle for making this workshop happen. If you are ever thinking this workshop might be for you (which I highly recommend) check it out: https://www.alpinenw.photo/
In this industry, for most of us anyway, we sit at home or at a coffee shop all day usually alone trying to win people over, make a good connection with a potential client, or editing hours upon hours until we’re semi ‘caught up’. Let’s be honest, if we put on real clothes or talk to another human on a weekday, things are happening people!!!! Don’t get me wrong, we all LOVE what we do and are super fortunate that we are able to make a living out of what we love most; telling people’s love stories.
Alpine Northwest is a workshop geared to people just like myself: work from home/alone/loves their job/gets a little drained at the end of wedding season/could use a creative reset. All of these reasons are the exact why I signed up for this week of awesomeness up in the mountains with a bunch of bad*ss people.
Every person there gave it their ALL and I am beyond pumped to have been a part of it. APNW attendees/instructors, you are all rockstars and I hope you remind yourselves of that daily.
Below is a little sneak peak into the week. So much to see!!!
xoxo – ali
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If you made it to the end…THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 Love you all!